Author Archives: admin

Little Magnets Versus the Bubble of Babble

listening to Little Magnets Versus the Bubble of Babble. very cool album. came along when I was finishing high school. part of me

“Little Magnets Versus the Bubble of Babble was the third album by UK pop rock band Transvision Vamp. The album was released in 1991, two years after their UK #1 album Velveteen.

This album did not follow in the successful footsteps of the two previous albums and sold poorly”

weekend report

went and saw the art and about artworks with cylesydney. some interesting works. esp the house that was raining on the inside as a metaphor for loss

andy ks dads 80th bday sat night. love watching mike and di dance together even thought they split up years ago. deep affection

sunday. tour of sculpture exhibition at rookwood cemetary. very cool

afterwards we had a delicious dinner in strathfield followed by desert at yogurtberry. yay! yogurtberry bunny